Human Movement

A proportionate high number of injuries have been sustained during scholastic sporting activities. The greatest challenge has been identifying athletes who could be suspects with injuries. injuries to the head are known have serious consequences due to concussions and mild traumatic brain injuries resulting from them.

The use of two approaches which are Standard Assessment of Concussion and the Balance Error Scoring System has been reliable only as a post cognitive tool of assessment. This has necessitated the use of different biomechanical variables that would give informed results for concussion assessments at this level of sporting.

This study was carried out in a single central Illinois high school. Data was collected from a group of 35 participants. Samples were drawn from all levels of a varsity population. Variables like age, height, and mass, year of study, primary position and helmet age were also noted prior to onset of data collection. 32 of the athletes used a new or 1-yerar-old Riddell Revolution helmet (RiddellAll American, Elyria, OH) with a HITS encoder fitted inside in all sessions. The rest had their helmets without a decoder. However, the look and function between the two kinds of helmets was identical (Broglio, et al, 2009). The encoder recorded any impact subjected to it and transmitted it to a sideline computer for clinical use and data storage for later analysis. The limit of computer was 137m (150 yards). The computer then processed data using novel algorithm to determine the location and magnitude of each impact on the head.

Unnecessary impacts such as throws, dropping, and swinging of one helmet against another were discarded from data.  Data available contained information regarding to peak linear acceleration, rotational acceleration (from x- and y- axis angular accelerations), impact location, and date and time of the impact. All the analysis were completed using SPSS with a statistical significance set at P.01 based on the results from the study (Broglio, et al, 2009).

Out of a total of 19224 impacts 82 impacts were discarded as they were found to be legitimate. The following observations were made. First, there was no notable difference among the players age, height and helmet age. A notable difference was noted in players mass and head mass between offensive and defensive skill players (Broglio, et al, 2009).

The study provides a statistical analysis of variables that describes head impacts during interscholastic football athletics. The mean linear acceleration resulting from impacts recorded during scholastic games (24.76g) and practices (23.6g) was found to exceed that reported at collegiate level (22.25) across all session types. Impacts on the top of the head resulted in greatest linear acceleration. This increased magnitude may result in a potent injury in high school athletes. This is a worth noting revelation considering that, more than 50 of these athletes has no access to medical coverage (Broglio, et al, 2009). Emphasis on safe tackling techniques can reduce the risk of concussions and serious cervical spine injuries.  The study recommends for further study of head impacts resulting in concussions. During such study, it would be of importance to focus on the playing time and skill level of athletes.

 Personal opinion
Our bodies are self aware of any impacts and resultant impacts that happen to them. However, these shocks must not be of high intensity as such shocks could be injurious to our body. During a football activity such as the one under study, there is self- awareness of what is going on at the surrounding which makes the body be in a state of readiness to any impact.  A human body has a great mechanism of deciphering pain caused by impacts and any impact that does not make the body aware of its existence is as minor as its effects. The study ignores the causes of unreported cases of concussive impacts such as fatigue on muscles due to exhaustion. The study could have been broad enough to give necessary information about how these impacts happen. Such information would in turn have determined the location and magnitude of impact.
This study had a loophole in the way it collected its data. In actual fact, the act of recruiting participants of the study was a wrong start. This is because participants were not supposed to be self-aware that their actions during exercise sessions and actual game activities were being monitored. The criterion used in choosing participants of the study whether voluntary or selective is not well defined.   This study could have used methods that would involve non-cognitive approaches. By letting them know of an existing study on the number of impacts on their heads, they may have shifted their attention more on the impacts than the actual sporting activity. This may have consequentially have given a higher number of results than it could have been in a normal sport.  Use of variables such as player position was in no doubt bound to give varied results.  This is mainly because the player position determines the level of activity and energy input during sporting activity.

It is self evident that, Sporting event is bound to produce most instances of impacts due to the increased level of activity. There has been known to be some cases of impacts that are as a result of intended foul-play by opposing player. One cannot be sure if there were instances where the player out of his consciousness avoided impacts.  The resultant linear or rotational acceleration could not necessarily be linked to the impact occurred. This is because players are sometimes known to foresee an impact and they in turn swings away to avoid the impact. Such swings would result in small impacts but a resultant high linear or angular acceleration. The resultant accelerations would also have resulted from a reflex action of the body to the impact other than force due to impact.

The study failed to cover the most important and crucial part. The omission of cause of impacts in interscholastic football athletes negates the purpose of study.  If previous reports had proved that such impacts had resultant linear and rotational accelerations, why would the study omit the inclusion of their causes It would have been worth finding the reason behind high number of consequential scholastic impacts than just mounting figures without a justification of why such incidents happened.

In conclusion, the study compared its findings with those of collegiate and professional football levels. In contrary, the swiftness of a player and ability to cause or ovoid impact is dependent on the experience and tactfulness of a player. At scholastic level, players are still at a training stage and they cannot be compared with those at collegiate and professional football levels.
Running shoe companies such as Nike design various types of shoes to so as to meet the varying needs of running and the requirements of various types of runners. More so, they as well make shoes in a different manner for marketing and fashion trend reasons, however, for many runners appearance of the shoes is less important than the comfort as well as the performance provided by the shoe (Walker 2002, 67).

Hundred meters running which is usually done on a soft track differs from 27 kilometre marathon which is carried out on tough asphalt roads. Running on a treadmill differs from running on a track in the woods. Running while exercising or training can differ from running in the races. It is due to this reason that different shoes that suit different surfaces, distances as well performance goals are made by different companies.

Running shoes anatomy
Even though running shoes have become more complex over the decades, they still comprise some fundamental constituents.

The outsole
This is the layer that makes up the shoes under surface part. This layer is usually treaded and can be made from rubber of carbon or any material of that nature. It gives resistance to wears and at the same time enhances traction. It sometimes comprises of a design that is waffled or studded to provide traction on surfaces that are soft.

Mid sole
 This is the most vital area when it comes to running shoes. This is because the mid sole is responsible for providing stability as well as cushioning amid the out and upper soles. Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) and polyurethane (PU) or mixtures of these two are the materials that are commonly used in making running shoes mid soles. There is a dual-density sole of a much firmer material that is frequently placed on the medial side for purposes of reducing pronation. A variety of manufacturers have come up with different propriety technologies that penetrate the running shoes mid soles. These include gel, plastic materials that are high-tech and air.

Shoes upper part
This part of the shoe encloses the top part of the foot. Most shoes have this part made from leather even though synthetic materials are also used to make this part. Most of these synthetic materials are light and can be easily aerated. The aeration helps cool the heat dissipated inside the shoe. Padding of the upper tongue is important because it helps reduce pressure exerted by the laces at the top of the foot. In many cases the upper part of the back of the running shoe is padded to prevent irritation that might result due to friction between the shoe and the Achilles tendon.

Foot Bridge
This is a hard material found within the mid sole whose work is to increase stability within the running shoes medial side.

Hell counter
This is the strong and rigid cup that is usually placed within the upper part of the running shoe. The heel counter usually encircles the heel. The reason why it is rigid is because it is supposed to control the rear foot motion.

Choice of running shoes
Every runner needs the best protection that can be provided by running shoes. The shoe used for running is supposed to be a shock absorber, a motion controller, flexible and long-lasting. Due to ones biomechanical complexity and complicatedness of the shoes found on the market, it is often advisable for one to go to a store that specializes in running shoes as there would be a veteran to assist one get running shoes that are the best.

Tips on choosing the best running shoes
Runners should do their shopping in the late afternoon because the feet enlarge in the course of the day and will enlarge further while running. One should also put on socks that heshe wear while racing. The weight of the runner, running style and particular foot problems are some of the factors that should be considered while searching for the best shoe.

It can be of great assistance if runner is going to carry at least a pair of old shoes while going to purchase for new ones. This will enable the person selling the shoes identify the runners shoe wear the most and hence assist in choosing the best shoes for the runner.  

The choice of running shoes are determined by the runners biomechanics
According to Mechelen (1992, 20), the biomechanics of the runners bodies are different. The gravity force and muscles operate on bones and joints and in the event affect the bodys movement. Other factors that determine the biomechanics of a runner include genetic structure of the skeleton, weight, height, habitual posture and history of injury. Many shoes are made according to the wide range of the working of the human body.

Shoes which address various types of running are shoes for road running, racing flats and trail shoes. Trail shoes have much weight as compared to other running shoes. They have heavy soles like those for a hiking boot. This is to enhance better traction. These shoes usually consist of supported toes to offer protection of the foot from rocks and stumps. Some contain heels that are designed specially to maintain the stability of the foot on tough trails and also avoid injuries of the ankle. Some are waterproof. It is protection and not speed that is given first priority while making trail shoes.

The design of flat racing shoes has a different objective. With these shoes, the need for speed is very important. Due to this, the weight of the shoes is very low as they weigh nearly half or less than the weight of trail shoes. They usually fit in a manner that is much smoother as compared to other running shoes. They offer little protection from stumps and rocks because of their light weight and fitting that is smooth.

Shoes used when running on the road outnumber the other running shoes in a great way. With these shoes the name of the game is compromise also, comfort and protection is paramount. This is due to the recurring jarring of stepping on surfaces that are tough being primary objectives. Every shoe comprises of a number of features, which go hand in hand to try and meet the requirements and wishes of a specific runner. Aspects of design that brings a variation in shoes include durability, aeration, suppleness, quantity of cushioning and location, support of foot positioning and pattern of lacing.

Catalogues, manufacturers as well as owners of retail outlets give a general classification of shoes for road running in three categories. These are control of motion, stability and cushion. The three categories match up to three fundamental ways in which the foot of a runner impacts on a surface and pushes off once more on every strike of the foot normal pronation, less than pronation or more than pronation (Yamashita 2005, 142).
Under neutral pronation, the person running lands on the heels centre and spins via the foot with only a minor motion inwardly, then using all the toes, the weight will be supplied via the front foot. At the same time, more than 70 percent of the force will be concentrated in the foots ball as well as the area of the big toe. The runners more often comprise of arches of the foot that are normal. These runners usually fit well with shoes that are designed basing on stability.

During overpronation, the person running lands on the heels inside or spins quickly to the inside. The person running usually toes off within the foots inside with nearly all the weight concentrating on the foots ball and the area of the big toe. Overpronation mostly occurs within people who have flat feet. These runners who overpronate fits well with shoes that are designed basing on motion control as the shoes usually counter the overpronation. They try to maintain the foot in a position that is neutral for effective distribution of impact force throughout the foot.

During supinationunderpronation, the person running lands on the heels outside and toes off within the foots outside. Runners who underpronate usually comprises of arches that are high. Shoes that are cushioned best fit this kind of runners. The cushioning gives protection while giving ample time to the feet to undertake their motions naturally.

According to Feehery (1986, 74), the strike of the foot is another way of categorizing biomechanics of runner that have an impact on the design of the shoe other than pattern of pronation. Apart from many runners having the tendency to land through the heels and spin via the toes, some runners use their fore foot as well as mid foot during landing. Those who strike with the rear foot fit with shoes that have built-up heels with a sole that is thick behind the shoe. Other designs of shoes consider those who land on the mid foot and fore foot by placing cushioning and support it these places respectively.

The flexibility of shoes is different, because it depends on the magnitude at which a shoe curves during the transition of heel-to-toe. The cushioning of stiffer is put in place to support the heavier runners weight. The aeration of shoes differs. This is the degree at which the upper part of the shoe allows in water and air and dissipates heat out. As with any activity that is outdoor, a person running from outdoor needs being organized with the elements. Shoes that are highly aerated thrive well in hot conditions but they become irrelevant in conditions that are wet and cold.

Shoes for heavy runners
Those runners who are heavy run in their own unique way. Basing on the fact that they weigh more, they thus have a specific running action. This kind of motion is not natural and there fore needs some rectification to prevent injuries that are unnecessary. Lucky enough, there are some running shoes which can assist them.
Many heavy runners have feet that are low arched. These feet are sometimes referred to as flat feet. The signs of an arch in these kinds of feet are little and almost all the bottom part of the foot makes contact with the ground (Waked 1997, 62).

Those who lose weight in the course of running raise their arch up but until is effected a special kind of running shoe is needed. Without suitable shoe for running, the heavier runner will experience injuries which include splints of shin together with other injuries that are brought by shock to the foot.

Heavier runners are fond of overpronating because of feet that are low-arched. Pronation occurs when the feet spins in a rotation manner at the time it lands on the ground. This causes the weight to travel along the fore foot. Heavier runners experience much rotation as compared to lighter runners.

The act of overpronating impacts much strain on the foots ball and its likely to repeat for every stride made and hence accumulate shock on the lower leg. Overpronation is not effective action of running and heavier runners require more efforts to do such a kind of running

As a remedy to these, these heavier runners require running shoes that effectively control the motion. The shoe assists in the rectification of overpronation of the runners who are heavier. Additional support is offered to the runner through the features that are installed in the shoes.

The shoes are designed to be more firm to avoid excessive and unnecessary rotation of the foot and instead establish a natural action of running that is more effective. The soles medial post also limits the amount of rotation. There is hold up to relieve the landing of the foot on the ground and reduce shock both on the legs and feet. Due to these facts, running shoes that control the motion will be of great importance to runners who are heavier.

Shoes for high arched runners
High arched runners have their own unique running shoes. These shoes are particularly designed to help those individuals who have this type of foot to have a natural running action. Due to the shape of their feet they need this to rectify their running trends. Feet that comprise high arches are very slim at the centre. A number of runners can be so high-arched in such a way that the print connection amid the fore foot and the heel is not clear. Even though the running may seem natural, the type of running action brought about by this type of feet needs rectification to avoid injuries (Yeung 2001, 19).

This action of running or gait cannot be avoided by a runner who is high arched and therefore its correction by use of suitable running shoe is needed. The injuries realized from this running action come as a result of shock which is felt at the time the feet lands on the ground.

Pronation occurs when the foot lands on the ground in a rotational manner and the weight trek in the direction of the front. Runners who are high arched lack sufficient rotation thus underpronate. For effective and faster running, correct pronation is very vital. Running under sufficient pronation has a tendency of reducing injuries.

Those runners who underpronate require heavily cushioned shoes for running. These shoes have flexible soles that encourage more rotation. The soles width also enhances more pronation (Taunton 1987, 88).
Is there a best running shoe

Absolutely one cannot assert that there is a best running shoe for anybody. This is because the runners are different (weight, height, gender) there are different brands of running shoes (Nike, adidas, puma, Reebok) and running shoe models differ. There is a challenge that comes in when it comes to matching the elements of varying models and brands to each runners features.

Due to this reason, it is vital to go to shop specialists who can relate these features. If one is familiar and okay with the biomechanics of hisher feet as well as the most appropriate shoe then heshe can do online purchases very comfortably.

Matching a brand or model of a shoe to the runner is the most vital factor and hence should be the first measure taken when searching for a best shoe. In the course of normal running or walking, the ground is first stroke by the outside of the heel. This is the reason why many shoes wear in this area.

The foot then spins inwardly and levels beside longitudinal arch pronation. Through the process of supination, the foot then spins via the ball. The supination assists in making a foot a lever that is rigid to enhance effective propulsion. Several problems associated with ones biomechanics can affect these normal motions.
According Kerwin 2004, 173), a shoe for running can assist in enabling this obvious function and help curb a number of small biomechanical problems which affect these normal movements. A running shoe that is not comfortable can cause more harm to this normal functioning.

In many circumstances, a number of runners who get injuries either pronate (spin in) or supinate (spin out) in excess. Amounts of supination and pronation that are normal are essential for normal functioning, while amounts that are abnormal intensify the risk for getting injured.

Many injuries are brought by Excessive pronation
Pronation that is too much is the most frequent cause of injuries that result from running. A foot that is pronated spins inwardly at an ankle the mid foot then humps inwardly as the longitudinal arch levels. Unstable and flexible feet generally cause overpronation. Therefore these runners need shoes that are designed to effectively control the motion. A shoe that controls the motion is designed to give much support to runners. These shoes are designed by placing, a rigid anti-pronation material inside the mid sole a mid sole of dual density and a strong heel counter.

A foot that is supinated spins outwardly at an ankle and has an arch that is high. Individuals who supinate much have feet that are more firm and have poor shock absorbing capability. Due to this, they require running shoes that were designed with a lot of cushioning. However, the running that are heavily cushioned, tend to lose the aspect of motion control.

The available degree of supination or pronation of one is the one that determines whether one require a normal shoe for running that has minor ability of controlling the motion as well as absorbing the shock or a shoe which was manufactured basing on soft, moderate and serious pronation level with soft, moderate and serious stability or a shoe whose design entirely based on offering soft, moderate and serious supination level with levels of cushioning and shock absorption that are varying.

Durability of running shoes
 The durability of running shoes depends directly on the time spent in the shoes. The out sole usually wears out after the mid sole (which is very vital as far as cushioning and stability is concerned) has worn out. After the mid sole has worn out, the stability of the shoe will reduce drastically. The best way to confirm this is look whether the mid sole material is creasing in places where high load is experienced. Also one should be keen with the shoes torsional stability (Hreljac 2004, 63).

Running has become a profit making business in the world today through the races that are usually performed. However, athletes as well as other runners need effective shoes that match their respective types of feet and their biomechanics. Those who overpronate require shoes that control the motion while their colleagues who underpronate require shoes that are heavily cushioned to help them pronate more. On the other hand, those who run with correct pronation also require running shoes. Stability enhanced running shoes are most appropriate for them.


When I was a little boy, I was very timid and emaciated.  My mother an assortment of medicines to help me out of this condition but all of her efforts was in vain.  One day, she brought me to a swimming pool and registered me in a swimming class.  I still remember the first time I went to that swimming class.  The instructor told me to jump in to the pool, but I was too scared of the water to jump into it and although he attached buoys around my body I was still hesitant. 
I was shocked when the next thing I realized was that the instructor threw me in the pool.  It was an unforgettable startled expression in my life.  A few seconds, I got calm little by little.  I suddenly recognized that I was float in the water.  After some movements by arms and legs, I moved myself a distance about ten meters, which made me so interested.  My instructor then dived into the pool and taught me some basic steps for a beginning swimmer.  After two hours of practicing swimming, I felt hungry and ate a lot.  After the course, I gained weight as well as height. From then on, I concerned swimming as my main exercise everyday and that is why swimming is my favorite sport.
Swimming helps me keep in shape. When I swim, energy which is a main element to control my body weight is burned constantly a lot. According to swimming experts, approximately 790 calories is burned for swimming one hour.  Although in the water, I do not have a feeling of perspiration but actually, I perspire a lot because when in swimming, I use my whole body to generate power to keep my body afloat in the water.  All parts combine together to move my body forward as fast as I can.  Therefore, all limbs are massaged by the current of water.  That burns the unnecessary fat under the skin. I swim four kinds of strokes such as butterfly, freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke.  Different kinds of muscles develop depending on the swimming stroke that I use.  Butterfly develops muscles of shoulders, chest, and abdomen.  Freestyle and backstroke develop muscles of shoulders, arms, and legs.  In addition, breaststroke develops muscles of upper arms and thighs.  Any combination of these four kinds gives me a well-proportioned body.
Swimming gives one a complete body workout.  It benefits the cardiovascular system without straining ones heart and improves a persons use of oxygen.  The timed breathing required in swimming conditions the body and allows a person to improve not only his endurance but also a persons lung capacity.  Swimming is also a perfect complement for cross-training workouts.  As a person who swims becomes more fit, the resting heart rate and respiratory rate is reduced thus allowing for more blood to flow into the heart and making the lungs more efficient.  Since swimming gives a complete body workout, it also allows one to burn calories faster than in any other sport.  A runner, on average, burns as many calories on a six mile run in one hour as a swimmer who was been swimming for one hour has burned.  Swimming not only develops ones body but also helps people lose weight fast.
Swimming is not only great exercise but it is also an entertaining activity.  It is fun for not only individuals but for groups as well and makes it easier for people who want to get in shape keep up their routine without getting bored.  From a psychological perspective, swimming allows people to relax and swim with very little effort.  When a swimmer gets into the rhythm of swimming and allows the mind to focus on the stroke, it is similar to a form of meditation that provides the body with an overall feeling of general well being.  Studies have shown that people who swim in the mornings or begin their days by swimming are more likely to have more energy for the rest of the day and are less likely to feel stressed or pressured.  Swimming does not only give a person the psychological feeling of well being but also helps in other aspects such as the development of certain life skills namely sportsmanship, time-management, self-discipline, goal-setting, and an increased sense of self-worth through their participation in the sport.
Swimming is not simply the perfect exercise but it is also a wonderful lifestyle.  It reduces stress and helps one become more physically fit.  The added benefits such as social interaction and mental discipline are also what help make swimming the great physical activity that it is.  This is why I have always felt that swimming is the best exercise and activity that anyone can do because it is good for the body and also good for the mind.

College athletes should not be paid because it takes away the college experience and natural fun of the game.

An athlete who represents his or her college should carry the name of such school with honor, dignity and pride. This fact alone is enough motivation for one to play without the need of any form of monetary reward. The honor that an athlete brings to the school cannot be measured by any form of compensation. Money should not be the ultimate reason for a person to enter into sports. The desire to play must come from passion, determination and love for the game. When there is money involved in playing for a school, it somehow diminishes the prestige that comes from representing your college. The focus for sports would be sidetracked because the goal might be to earn rather than to win. The compensation that that athlete receives may add pressure to every competition or game that one engages in, instead of allowing the school spirit to take its course. There would be twice the pressure to win because an athlete who is being paid would think of the sport more as a job, than as a game wherein he or she could engage in healthy competition with others.

    There should be the natural fun that comes with playing. It is good to put pressure into playing but it must come from a healthy competition and not one which would take away the fun and spirit of the game. College life should be enjoyed especially when it involves representing your school for sports. The fact that a person was chosen by the school to represent his or her college means that there is a potential that a coach or teacher can see in such student. This would open doors for such athlete with endless and limitless opportunities for the future. This fact would allow the child to hone his talent and do better in his craft.