The Causes and Effects of Sprained Ankles, And Methods for Treatment and Prevention

Prrrrrrrhhh the last whistle to mark the end of the game went off. The Lions could now not manage to book a place in the World Cup soccer quarter finals. They had shamelessly lost 2-0 to the Leopards. Perhaps if their super striker Bernardo had been in the game, they would have beaten the Leopards. Unfortunately, he was still lying in a hospital bed nursing a severe ankle sprain that he had suffered the previous day during a similar match. Ankle sprains are a common injury in all sports. These kinds of injuries occur by accidents as well as failure to observe the appropriate measures like wearing the proper sporting shoes. It is therefore very important to take precautionary measures especially for players whose career is in sports. An injury such as an ankle sprain can leave the player out of action for a short or even a prolonged period of time.  In some extreme cases, the player may not be able to engage in a sporting activity ever again a sprain can result to a permanent disability. This research therefore seeks to look at the causes of ankle sprains, effects that result from the sprain as well as treatment and preventive measures in regard to the ankle sprain.

To understand the causes and effects of an ankle sprain, we must first understand what an ankle is and what it is made of. The ankle joint is situated on the third and lower part of the foot. The joint at the ankle is made of four bones the tibia, the fibula, the talus, and the calcaneus. Moreover, it is comprised of three ligament structures the anterior talo-fibular ligament, the posterior talo-fibular ligament and the calcaneo-fibular ligaments that enables and support the stability of the ankle.

The structures and other small parts that put the ankle are very important for the general functioning of the lower as well as the upper part of the foot. They ensure that there is efficiency in the foot movements. Therefore, if the ankle is injured or sprained, each of these little parts must recover in case of injuries for the ankle to fully re-function. In addition, many other parts must be taken into consideration when treating an injured ankle. The joint at the ankle is mainly considered to be one of the most important body structures that help in stability and movement of the entire foot, from the knee up to the hip joint. However, sometimes when an ankle injury is treated, these parts may not be properly fit back together as they had earlier been thus causing problems elsewhere in the foot.                                                                                          
The joints are put in place by the ligaments that make the joint to only move in particular directions. The ligaments are then attached to the bones of the leg on each side. When the ligament faces an abnormal stretch or gets torn the resulting injury is referred to as a sprain (Wedro 2010, par 6).

From the above explanation, the definition of an ankle sprain can be given as the displacement of a ligament when it is overly stretched or torn partially. Many ligaments that make up the ankle joint encounter an abnormal situation causing them to injure (Quinn 2010, par 1). On the other hand, in sprains that are severe, the ligament is torn completely. At times, the bone-end to which the ligament is firmly attached can either crack or get pulled off a condition known as avulsion fracture.  This causes an even more severe ankle sprain (Bupas Health Information Team, 2010 par. 3).

One of the basic and main symptoms of an ankle sprain is initially a popping or a snapping sound and as Bupas health information team puts it in their article on Sprained ankle a feeling of giving way  as the ligament is torn or in worse cases the bone cracks. The pain from the sprain is instantaneous, but it can also grow as the injured person tries to move their feet. In the case of a severe sprain when the ankle ligament is completely torn and the bone is cracked, the injury can cause incapability of bearing any weight on the particular foot, thus making walking impossible (Bupas Health Information Team 2010, par. 4).                                                                              

Another basic symptom of a sprain is swelling or bruising. Swelling occurs shortly after the injury, whereas bruising can take as long as 24 hours to develop fully. Swelling around the ankle may make the foot movement very difficult. The ankle will feel unstable if any movement is made (Bupas Health Information Team 2010, par. 5).

In short, some symptoms that the injured person can suffer from are extreme pain, swelling and bruising of the ankle for almost two to four weeks, redness over the bones of that area of the foot, along with the difficulty in withstanding any weight on the injured leg (Bupas Health Information Team 2009, par. 13).

Ankle sprains are basically caused by unnatural movement of the foot that make the ligaments holding together the ankle to stretch or even worse tear (Mayo Clinic staff 2010, par 1). One of the main causes of a sprained ankle is the inward turn of the sole, ligaments overstretching on the outer part of the ankle as well as squeezing the inner ligaments. This kind of sprain is referred to as inversion sprain. This inversion is so common because it mostly occur in sporting activities that entail jumping, running, jump landing, fast changes in direction or many stop-starts such as those in playing football, basketball and volleyball (Bupas Health Information Team 2010, par 6-8).

Another leading cause of ankle sprain is uneven ground. Walking on a surface that is irregular, may put a sudden pressure on the ankle. The instant change of level may cause this sudden pull on the ankle muscles that the latter was not prepared to handle. These irregular surfaces include presence of pot-holes, bumps, rocks on the walking paths. In relation to this, another cause of sprains includes standing on surfaces not meant for standing (Walker 2010, par 7).                                                    

Another cause that might affect mostly the population of female individuals is the twist of the ankle due to the loss of balance when walking in high-heels. The small surface covering the sole of the high-heel can cause unbalanced walking and most probably a twist causing a sprain (Bupas Health Information Team 2010, par. 6-8). Additionally, if an ankle sprain has occurred in the past, it is very probable that it can happen again under the same circumstances (Sprained Ankle Care 2000, par 10).

It is not always easy to diagnose a sprain. A sprained if not closely diagnosed can be confused with other injuries such as a strain. However, if the situation includes some of the points mentioned above, then a more proper diagnosis should be considered.

In the case of a more severe sprain, when the doctor gets to diagnose the patient, heshe will first physically examine the ankle by moving the ankle in different directions. This can be a painful experience but it helps to identify the hurt or else the torn ligaments. An X-ray can be done in case of serious injuries to identify if there is any broken bone. In a very severe injury, a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is recommended to make sure diagnosis is correctly made (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2005, par 7-11).

After going through the points and steps given above, the next step in dealing with an ankle sprain is to apply the appropriate treatment. As it had been mentioned earlier, depending on the kind of the sprain, and how severely the injury has affected the muscle and the soft tissue of the ankle, then a specific treatment must be applied accordingly (Bupas Health Information Team 2009, par 13).                                                  
In case the injury is not severe, some suggestions can be used for self-help guidelines. They constitute some basic steps that prevent the already injured part from worsening further.  They include what PhysioRoom in their article, Sprained Ankle Injury calls the PRICE protocol -Protection, rest, ice, compression and elevation (PhysioRoom 2010, par 2).                                                                                                                        
The first and the basic guidelines are to immediately protect the injury from any further harm, so that the symptoms are at minimum. The sprained ankle should then be rested for 48-72 hours immediately after the injury. Clutches can be used to aid in movement. After the 48-72 hours are over, movement of the affected part is re-introduced slowly by slowly to retain the muscle strength around the ankle, and to ensure that walking is possible (Bupas Health Information Team, 2009 par 13).            

Furthermore, a very helpful treatment is the use of ice packs frozen ice that is wrapped in a towel for a period of 15-20 minutes after every 2-3 hours. This helps in minimizing bruising and swelling of the ankle. However, if ice is used and applied directly to the skin, there is a high risk of ice-burn. If covered well with a piece of cloth, then the treatment would be successful. The ice should be applied for 48-72 hours immediately after the injury. However ice is not recommended for persons with skin disorders (Bupas Health Information Team 2009, par. 13).                                      

After the pain softens, compressing the ankle using a bandage is necessary to offer support to the injured ankle and decrease the swelling. The bandage should be elastic fitting well but not too tight. It should be removed when one is going to bed. However, before doing any of these steps, it would be very useful to keep the ankle elevated and the foot resting above the level of the heart, at a well supported point. This ensures that swelling is kept in check (Bupas Health Information Team 2009, par. 13).                                                                                                                      

Nevertheless, if the injury is severe and needs special treatment or specific medicine, then the self-help approach may not be helpful (Bupas Health Information Team 2009, par. 13).

If need be, a physiotherapist can be contacted or use other professional treatments to address the sprain more effectively. Some exercises are also healthy to strengthen the soft tissue and muscle and restore ankle movement. Any further treatment would definitely depend on the extent of the injury and the symptoms following the sprain (Bupas Health Information Team 2010, par. 14-17).

Along with these treatments that have been discussed above, sprains can also be dealt with by simply using medical treatments such as painkillers, tablets or painkilling creams. Painkillers can well reduce the pain from the sprained ankle. Painkilling creams can also reduce the pain notably, but they are no better than a single tablet or a painkilling pill. However, any tablet containing NSAID (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) should not be used until a period of 48 hours. These chemicals can cause more harm than good if used wrongly. Precautionary, an important point in this is that the individual treating his sprain must take advice from his or her personal pharmacists before using and applying any medical treatment methods (Bupas Health Information Team, 2010 par 18-19).

Prevention Measures
It is advisable to do some warm-ups before as well as after any sport activity. This helps to strengthen the ankle muscles. Additionally, good sporting shoes can play a good game against ankle sprains. Avoid walking on uneven grounds or if a person must, then be careful. In conjunction with these, platform soles as well as high heels should be avoided. Likewise open shoes as well as sandals are unstable and should be avoided. Interestingly eating healthy diets as well as exercising regularly strengthens the muscles. Ankle sprains are however unavoidable, but taking some preventive measure can reduce the chances of occurrence (The Health Central Network 2009, par, 17).

In conclusion, ankle sprain can be a very serious condition in the day to day life. As had been posted earlier, it is extremely impossible to avoid ankle sprains. With these remarks therefore, it is very important to get a better insight of what an ankle sprain entails. Understanding the whole concept of ankle sprain is very essential to players who have made sport part of their career as well as a profession. Moreover, it helps sports specialists in body injuries to better diagnose an ankle sprain and be able to prescribe good and effective treatment methods as well as give advice to prevent possible future injuries or simply prevent any other additional injuries or symptoms. Beyond the world of sports, the ability to identify such injuries and be able to apply self-help treatments will help in fast recovery and improvement of the sprained ankle. Importantly, it gives the world of physiotherapy and physiology a better insight in the human body.

Why College Athletes on Scholarship should graduate with a Degree

Every year, thousands of students are enrolled into universities and colleges in the United States on scholarships based on their sporting prowess. Intercollegiate sports are a fertile breeding ground for sporting talent in professional sports like basketball, baseball, American football, ice hockey and many others. Being a college athlete has many challenges to it. It is usually already hard enough to balance between academic work and sporting activity in high school, and once in college, sporting students are more strained since class work becomes more demanding and athletic coaches embark on rigorous training routines seeking to attain the prestige that come with winning national honors in sports. Participation in college athletics offers a student many opportunities. Teams travel throughout the nation and members gain new experiences and exposure. However, a number of college student athletes on scholarships or even those not on scholarships end up leaving college without a degree. As I shall elaborate in this research paper, it is very necessary that college athletes on scholarships should graduate with a degree.

The nature of College Athletic scholarships
High school students who have exhibited exceptional athletic prowess are usually contacted by college athletic coaches for recruitment into college athletic teams. Intercollegiate sporting athletics are very prestigious, and every college is always looking to be a force to reckon with. Hundreds of other high school graduates especially those who cannot afford to finance their college and university education apply for consideration for either full scholarships or partial scholarships to various colleges throughout the nation.

Upon successful application, college students on athletic scholarships are expected to treat their sporting obligation very seriously. The rigor followed in training often matches the standards of professional sporting activity. It becomes very hard to balance between class work and athletics, no wonder some students academic performance drifts below standards. Many college students view acquisition of college athletic scholarships as the doorway to a professional athletic career. It is so unfortunate since very few actually manage to make the cut to be drafted into professional sports like baseball and football.

All college athletes are usually not paid for their commitment and input to college athletics. It is therefore a pity that a student on scholarship puts all his or her effort in sporting activity at the expense of his or her formal education, gets no payments from it despite having compromised his or her standards of formal education. Time in college passes by very fast, and before long other obligations step in to increase the pressure on a student.

Acquiring a degree therefore is like an insurance policy and a ticket to a better life when a student on scholarships dreams and aspirations of breaking into professional athletics unfolds into nothing. This is one main reason why college athletes on scholarships should graduate with a degree. It increases their chances of making a better life for themselves and their families if their ambitions of building a professional career in athletics are not realized. A student who graduates from college with a degree is more likely to have access to alternative professional disciplines like in economics or information science.

The main objective of going to college is being awarded with a degree at the end of the course each student is pursuing. Not graduating with the degree is therefore a failure on the part of the student and the college itself. A formal education has always opened up more doors to the majority of college graduates than other extracurricular activities like singing, acting and athletics. Colleges must therefore put I place elaborate mechanisms to ensure that their students, more so those on scholarships (because in most cases they have higher urgency of establishing themselves socially and economically), graduate with a degree so that they may be better equipped to pursue their dreams of self sufficiency and accomplishment.

Importance of Formal Education
Many college athletes, not just those in scholarships, are not sufficiently prepared for life after their stint in college. This is mainly due to their excessive optimism that an athletic scholarship in college is going to lead to a career in professional athletics. However, according to statistics released by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), only between two and three percent of athletes in the intercollegiate sports arena end up securing a career in professional sport.

Without a degree, college athletes who do not make the cut to be drafted into professional sporting establishments like the National Basketball Association (NBA), the National Football League (NFL) and Major League Baseball would find it hard to earn a living. Despite this reality, intercollegiate athletic competitions are long and do not leave sufficient time for academic work. Most colleges do not make public the rates of successful graduation for athletes under scholarship. Having a degree not only increases a college leavers chance of securing a real job but is also an opener to establishing better working relationships with people in different levels in contemporary society (Framball, 2010).

Even for those college graduates who successfully manage to build a professional career in sport, a degree comes in handy as it will help them manage their affairs better. There have been cases of college athletes who graduate from college and make it big in professional sport, but they are virtually illiterate. For example, Dexter Manley secured a scholarship in Oklahoma State University based on his prowess in football. He left the university unable to read and had a very successful career with the Washington Redskins as a defensive end. Dexter could not even read the praises newspapers poured on him based on his prowess in the field. He had to go back to school after retiring after openly admitting that he could not read or write. Such embarrassments and inconveniences can be avoided it is ensured that college athletes on scholarship graduate with a degree.

Application of a degree in sports management
Whether or not a college student makes it big in professional athletics, it is necessary to have the realization that a sporting career ends very early in life. It is very unlikely that professional athlete will compete actively into the forties and fifties. Since most college athletes on scholarships are hell-bent building a career in sports, they should realize that a degree is required for one to be deemed qualified in sports management.

Alternative avenues for establishing a career in professional sport include coaching at different levels, managing sports facilities, referring and formulation of sports policy. A person cannot get into these without first having a degree. Of more concern is the fact that athletes who turn pro have the highest chance of venturing into these careers, and they face the highest risk of failing to graduate without a degree. Acquisition of an academic degree should therefore not be viewed as an auxiliary to college athletic scholarships but an integral part of the endeavor to establish a wholesome profession in sport and in other disciplines.

Application of a degree in investment
Graduating with a degree will enable college graduates athletes on scholarship who make it professional to make wiser decisions to invest the money they make while still active more wisely so that they can secure their future and those of their families. Without adequate training in personal and financial planning and management, all success garnered from a career in professional athletics is thrown away. The essence of having gone to college therefore goes missing. College education is supposed to equip leavers with the capacity to plan their lives in a more organized way so that they can build better lives for themselves. The hallmark of this is in the award of a degree in a significant field. If this is not achieved, then it is an opportunity wasted, virtually.

Measures that should be taken (Recommendations)
So far, I have emphasized on the importance of college athletes on scholarship graduating with a degree. Now, I want to discuss several measures that can be taken to ensure that this happens. Number one, the admission departments of colleges should actively participate in determining who gains scholarships based on athletic talent rather that leaving the whole exercise to the sports department. In this way, the capacity to enforce minimum academic requirements upon all high school graduates who seek to attain college scholarships. This will prompt high school students who aspire to apply for basketball, football or baseball scholarships to work extra hard in their studies. This input will in turn increase their chances of graduating with a degree at the end of their scholarship.

Secondly, college athletes on scholarships should be given a time limit to complete their degree courses, making them only eligible to participate in their respective sporting events before that time limit expires. Additionally, college athletes on scholarships should be made to integrate more with regular students to make them acquire an outlook on education that promotes their pursuit of academic degrees. Such is for example the practice in the University of Notre Dame and in Duke where athletes on or not on scholarship are made to take a full academic load alongside other students so that they can also graduate in time. The National Collegiate Athletic Association should also make its programs more lenient to leave college athletes with ample time to fulfill academic obligations.

Many of the athletes who seek scholarships do so because they are unable to fully finance degree programs at such institutions. The institutions should not just seek to exploit the talent suck students possess because in the end, it will only compromise their lives. It is very important that college athletes also graduate with a degree since it opens up many opportunities for them after college regardless of whether they make it in professional athletics or not. A degree will enable a former student to seek an alternative career if athletics fail, and can also help him or her manage him or herself better once an opportunity beckons in professional athletics. Colleges should therefore make arrangements to ensure that college athletes on scholarships graduate with a degree as this is very important.

Surfing Culture

One of the key contributors to the development of surfing culture is Tom Blake. He started surfing when he was young and continued with that sport until old age. At the age of twenty, he set a world swimming record at the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) after winning the ten-mile contest. In 1922, Blake was working in the movies because he had water talents and thus built the first trail rest of surfing pack which he later capitalized on. Blake first surfed on a redwood plank he acquired when he was a life guard at Santa Monica Swimming Club but it was too heavy and cumbersome.

In 1926, Blake made his own surf board which he, together with Sam Reid, used to pioneer surfing at Malibu point. In the same year, he made hollow surf boards which marked an advancement from the Pakis boards. Tom Blake clinched the winning title in the 1928 Pacific Coast surfing championships with his board of olo replica. In that same year, he devised a hollow paddle board which he used as a turning tool.

Moreover, Tom Blake made a chambered sail board in 1929. It was a hollow board which was of chambered-type. The board was known as cigar board because it resembled a giant cigar. Due to his increasing innovation techniques of making surfboards and paddleboards, Tom Blake invented water-proof housings to be used by cameras in water photography

He manufactured and patented his initial production in 1931. He also invented the surfboard in 1935. Additionally, Tom Blake was the first to publish a book devoted solely to surfing - the Hawaiian Surfboard, in 1935. In 1937, he patented and produced the first rescue ring and torpedo buoy made of dua-aluminum. Blake thus contributed a lot to the surfing culture.

Surfing Culture

I totally support Alan Atkins views because Surfing is really an exciting sport that facilitates both entertainment and exercise. As people surf, they enjoy playing with water waves as well as stretching the muscle of their hands. One can enjoy surfing especially when it is hot to make ones body feel good.

Surfing is also interesting because one can compete for any award and once they win, they can earn a lot of money. This can be a good motivating factor. Surfing with ones friends is interesting and enjoyable as one competes regarding who can surf faster as well as exchange techniques of surfing and thus enjoy time together.

Knowing how to surf is very important and interesting incase of water accidents, one can be on the safe side or even save others who could be in danger. Surfing is very interesting because as one competes, they can find several fans who boost ones the morale to win. Surfing is interesting as one can experience several totally new places after going for competition or as they surf for adventure. Surfing is interesting especially when one surfs with people they never knew before and challenges or is challenged by them.

Surfing is also interesting as one can surf using any implement be it surf a board, sail board, paddle board or whichever other  tool one may want to use. Surfing is interesting especially when one overcomes an ocean wave they had never beefier come across one you can derive untold enjoyment. Surfing on the sea is interesting as one can travel a long distance the way one likes and even enjoy the sea waves as well as the cool or warm breezes of the sea.

In conclusion, surfing enables people to recreate themselves, do exercises, make new friends, tour new areas, as well as exchange ideas. It is thus a truly interesting sporting activity.

Raising funds

The purpose of our campaign is to make the fundraising plan  in order  to support a sports organizations cause.We need to ensure that all misconducts are investigated as there is much violence  and some facilities provided .The fundraising plan is the variety of plans and strategies to be used.The one absolute is ASK and KNOW  what we are asking for.The written fundraising plan will help ouganize our ask.Our activities in the campaign called PLAY HAPPILY included writing letters,education,writing to national and local press about it,meeting with local officials,attending local community.. .We managed to raise some money in the past thanks to these initiatives.There were charities which supported the cause,but the money is never enough.Our fundrising plan included  application to the governmental agencies,charities or some other organizations.

Case statement
The research has clearly demonstrated that  the problem of vandalism at sports events has been increasing during the last three years.Furthermore,there is a lack of facilities and leisure activities in the area and young people have nothing to do.A donor may view this as a grave issue and may speak out publically against violence .For all these reasons,he may be willing to donate some money to our campaign.Money should be set aside to provide leisure activities.Our campaign will put much effort to deal with this problem.

When starting the campaign,we needed to take into consideration SWOT .It is a planning method used to evaluate Strength,weaknesses,opportunities and threats involved in the project .It identifies internal and external factors that are favorable or unfavorable.Strengths are attributes that are helpful,weaknesses attributes that are harmful for the campaign.These are environmental factors internal to the campaign.Oppurtunities are conditions that are helpful,threats conditions that may do damage to the campaign.These are external factors.Swot analysis helped us to focus our upcoming direct mail campaign by reminding our organization of the stregth it has,ensuring we were aware of any weaknesses and gaps,looking at the oppurtunities,emphasising any threats our organizationn migt face with.It provided information that is helpful in matching the campaigns resources r capabilities.It is an extremely good way for understanding and decision-making for all sorts of business.Our most important strengths are the size of the campaign and its reputation.We have also had many successes and increased public awareness of the importance of the problem in our society.

However,we had to face with some weaknesses.We had a tight budget and had to work carefully within it which was not easy.We had to find better strategies to communicate with our current audiance.However,there were many opportunities as well,such as,a list of  new or  growing population,wider geographical areas we could target.We had also to identify some threats such as a similar organisation active in the area,a new set of rules that could affect the effectiveness of our campaign,weather.All these threats were not in our control,thus,they are not real.
What makes SWOT particularly powerful is that, with a little thought, it can help you uncover opportunities that you are well placed to exploit. And by understanding the weaknesses of your business, you can manage and eliminate threats that would otherwise catch you unawares.(
Organizational development
Our leadership have a long history in raising funds.They were able to cope with changes,made effort to increase organisatrion effectiveness,developped new and creative organisational solutions,helped other members of the organisation to gain the skills necessary to solve the problems.Our president is a strong leader willing to contribute to our campaign and highly motivated.He is objective and able to deal with any unconfortable issues that may occur.However,he should be even more active,look for some new strategies,meet on regular basis with other members.There are people positioned to open  funding doors.They are honest and constructive.The committee is large enough and it is possible that individuals from different parts of the organization meet regularly to discuss developments,talk about future options etc.The commettee is given the power to make decisions,spend money or take actions.

Funding history
Receiving money from governement or other sources is one of the most important activities when it comes to non profit organizations.They request money from individuals,charitable foundations,business,governmental agencies.We also requested money from these organisations.

The campaign took advantages of the service of professionals fundraisers and engaged fundraisers who were paid a percentage of the funds they raise.Some religious groups as fundraisers were also very important.Policitical campaigns played also a major   role in raising money .However,numerous political campaign finance has become a controversial topic.

In addition,grant money was being offered by governmental agencies or charitable organizations which benefitted our campaign.Another ways to raise money were some kind of special events like formal dinners or similar events .Money has also been  generated by selling a product which is called product fundraising.Sometimes cookies or other things are being sold to generate  money.This way is very popular as everyone loves the tastes of cookies and is willing to enjoy all favorite flavors straight from the oven.Furtheremore,we used online fundraising,raising money by paypal clicking..We also used fundraising scratch card that works as donator and the amount revealed is the  donation we requested from them.

Scratch card-90profit fundraiser,thats easy and quick with less hassle(
It has been a pleasure working with you. I would highly recommend your company to anyone who is fundraising for the first time. Your employees have been very informative and pleasant.Susan,Border Blades, Grand Forks, ND Thank you Thank you We (First Holiness Church) appreciate you God BlessBobby
However, donations have been decreasing in the last three years due to the lack of fundraisers.
Funding opportunities
To be successful in fundraising,it is important to raise funds in the right location.Selling raffle tickets or having a tombola is one of the most significant   ways and doesnt require too much effort.It is possible to arrange this with the event organizer.Games stall  prove to be very successful as well.Furthermore,going door to door collecting has becoming more and more popular and we sometimes used this way.As they cover many areas,we would be likely to find the supporters.However,there are some disadvantages of door to door collecting,and one should consider potential risks as well.We are looking at all these oppurtunities.

Small local charities and voluntary organisations around the UK have been particularly hard hit by the recession, according to asurvey of 500organisations.(

Our goal is to achieve positive reforms and to ensure that all  reports of vandalism are investigated.It would have a great impact to the community.People will feel safe.

All this would have a great impact to the organization.
We have also some equipment needs.For example,cameras should be set up which would identify the vandals.We need to provide some facilities as well.The dolar amount may vary.

FundingMarketingPromotional strategies
We need a campaign strategy in order to provide space for the sporst organizations cause.An important part of planning is resource allocation.This is the way finance,people and assets are going to be used to achieve a particular objective.The campaigns senior executives make strategic decisions.The research is being carried out in order to identify the funding sources.This tasks includesmeeting with the people in the community,reading daily newspaper.We need to make sure that  funding oppurtunities are well known.For all these reasons,there should be confidence in the organization.We hope that this guide will help us plan our activities accordingly
-radio talk interview
-writing letters or mails
-giving out brochures
-television interviews
-public announcements
-periodic meetings with newspaper editors
-writing to national press
-telling friends,anti-violence programme,social justice and other organizations about the campaign
-special events
-meeting local officials
-attending local community board meetings and raising the issues
-periodic meetings with newspaper editorial boards

Structure of the fundraising strategy
The structure of the fundraising strategy includes a 12-month timeline of duties.The following details are includedhow many events the campaign has hosted,which grant requests are due on which date,how often and when telephone calls and meetings have been scheduled with donors.etc.Fundraising commetee has been established which reported lines on the board.All three meetings were held and the commetee reported duties to be completed each month.

This is just a rough idea of what we could do.We hope that we will find funding sources that will support the cause and that we are going to raise more money.

Scoreboards v. Mortarboards Article Critique

This study is designed to gather data regarding donor giving patterns to a large government university with respect to athletic donation patterns and academic donation patters.  The sample population includes donors to the University of Oregon from 1994-2002.  Three research questions are presented.  The first question seeks to determine the source of donations regarding athletic donations and academic donations.  The study finds that alumni tend to prefer giving to academic programs whereas non-alumni tend to prefer giving to athletic programs.  This data is not absolute, there is some overlap in giving patterns, and the Identity Salience Model of Nonprofit Relationship Marketing Success states that these donation patterns depend on the type of university involved.  The second research question seeks to determine whether athletic success functions to increase charitable donations.  The study finds that non-alumni donations increase as a result of athletic success but that alumni donations remain essentially neutral.  The final research question seeks to determine whether an increase in donations to athletic programs functions to create a corresponding decrease in donations to academic programs.  This study finds such a correlation, particularly with respect to non-alumni donation habits and patterns.  Overall, this study provides data for future research but is limited in that it is a large public university and not an elite academic university.

Part 1  Article Identification
Jeffrey L. Stinson and Dennis R. Howard in their 2004 article Scoreboards v. Mortarboards  Major Donor Behavior and Intercollegiate Athletics, published by the Spot Marketing Quarterly, sought to examine a number of questions pertaining to charitable giving to a major university.  The authors, one a doctoral candidate and the other a professor at the University of Oregon, approached these questions from a theoretical perspective derived from marketing generally and applied it through empirical analyses to a university sports context.  Specifically, the authors used data from their own university to test a number of research questions for which they argue the existing academic literature is either incomplete or contradictory in several respects one of the main goals of the article, in addition to securing and analyzing empirical data for purposes of attempting to answer the posited research questions, was to create an empirical foundation so that future researchers would be able to formulate research questions with more precision relying on the data derived from this study.

Part 2  Summary (Substantive Points and Methodology)
Contextually, this study was motivated by several facts, trends, and concerns related to charitable giving to universities more particularly, it is well-established that charitable contributions to athletic departments at Division IA schools have more than doubled over the past decade (Howard  Stinson, 2004, p. 129).  University athletic departments at these classes of universities have as a consequence increased fundraising efforts and also begun to depend to a far greater extant on donations than has been true in the past.  This trend has also raised fears that charitable giving to academic programs may suffer and to academic questions relating to the nuances of charitable giving in terms of actual facts, motivations, and impacts.  In order to contribute to resolving these facts, the authors engaged in an empirical study involving charitable donations made at the University of Oregon between 1994 and 2002.  Three main research questions were formulated, tested empirically and discussed.  The first research question examined charitable giving by alumni and non-alumni in order to determine donor behavioral patterns with respect to athletic giving and academic giving because the existing data is contradictory in certain respects.  The research found that both donor classes gave to athletic and academic programs, but that this giving varied to the extant that alumni made more substantial gifts to academics whereas non-alumni (such as boosters and sports fans) made more substantial gifts to athletics.  The second main question sought to determine whether and to what extant athletic success functions to increase charitable donations.  Here, the authors found that athletic success most significantly impacted donations by non-alumni whereas it was much more neutral with regard to alumni donations.  The final research question sought to determine whether an increased level of athletic donations necessarily resulted in a decreased level of academic donations the study found strong support for the assumption that giving to athletics undermines giving to academics, particularly for nonalumni (Howard  Stinson, 2004, p. 136).  This finding was incremental rather than sudden and implies a potential negative impact for increased athletic donations and the authors suggest further and broader research into this potential empirical phenomenon.

Part 3  Critique (Strengths and Weaknesses)
It is important to acknowledge, in the final analysis, that the authors concede several of their studys limitations.  The most significant limitation is the fact that only one major university was included in the empirical population.  The University of Oregon is not especially known as an academic powerhouse, it is not located in a major commercial center, and geographically it is on the fringe of the American continent.  It is therefore reasonable to suggest that the University of Oregon is not necessarily representative of alumni and non-alumni behavior at other universities with different geographical influences and academic strengths and weaknesses.  This, however, leads to one of the more interesting features of the article.  More specifically, the authors incorporate a marketing perspective into the articles structural design, The Identity Salience Model of Nonprofit Relationship Marketing Success, and this perspective provides persuasive logic regarding how alumni and non-alumni perceive their individual relationship with a particular university.  It is reasonable, for example, to see how alumni from an academic powerhouse such as a Columbia or Cornell (athletically-challenged institutions to be sure) might focus on an academic identity to the exclusion of athletic considerations.  These questions are effectively a question of focus to the extant that policy makers and administrators are concerned about athletic donations undermining academic contributions at major public universities as opposed to elite Ivy League institutions, for instance, the marketing perspective is valuable.  A major weakness, which is not directly discussed, is the extant and nature of indirect donations that are frequently hidden and unethical pursuant to intercollegiate ethics rules.  The study is too narrow to the extant that it assumes a transparent type of donation scheme to athletic programs.  The authors should have incorporated some qualitative perspectives in this regard rather than assuming an empirical model which ignores much donor giving in the intercollegiate context.   In sum, this article is worth to the extant that it discusses questions which remain unresolved in an empirical sense and to the extant that it provides some preliminary empirical evince for future researchers to build upon while ignoring the dark underbelly of donor giving to athletic programs and individuals in the intercollegiate context.

Financial Liabilities and pressures on Sports

Football is organized and governed by Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) cricket is governed by the International Cricket Council (ICC) while basketball is run by the Federation Internationale de Basketball (FIBA). These regulatory bodies should introduce rules that limit the number of players that can be transferred within a certain period of time. This will go a long way in ensuring that clubs do not overspend on players ignoring other important issues that need good financing. An example is in the NBA during the period preceding the recession. Many clubs overspent on transfer of players and thus had to cut down on other important issues like coach and player bonuses.

The regulatory bodies should introduce fair prices within which players can be transferred. FIFA should limit the amount of money that can be spent on a single player. This would reduce pressure on clubs to spend lots of money to acquire players. The cases that arise due to club misconduct leading to hefty fines should be controlled by code of conduct drawn by the governing bodies. Marketing done by big firms that sponsor some clubs should also be limited as some firms benefit so much at the expense of the game. For instance, when Arsenal FC built its new stadium, The Emirates, it was left with loans of up to 460million. This has limited the clubs ability to buy more players as such leading to a comparatively dismal performance by the club.

Colleges should also create schedules that do not conflict with academic programs. Currently, the college sports seasons run concurrently with the academic programs. This reduces the focus and funding on sports. This move will give the college sports programs time to benefit from both academics and sports. The other sports governing bodies should also ensure that clubs have good funding before being allowed into any league. Most sports clubs in Africa and Asia can do better if well funded. Equitable distribution of funding will as such see these clubs achieve their goals and not vanish into oblivion as it is the case right now.

Parametric and Non Parametric Statistics

Parametric Tests are based on the assumption that the population data follows a particular Probability distribution and satisfy certain properties or assumptions. The Emphasis in parametric test lies in estimating the population parameters using statistics calculated from the sample, where as Non Parametric tests does not have any assumptions regarding the data and are very much handful when the data is ordinal. Both these tests are used widely in sports research, Researchers make a selection of these tests as per the data and arrive at conclusions.

Parametric Tests

Parametric tests are based on certain assumptions.

They are based on the assumption that the data follows a particular probability distribution.
These tests are called as Parametric as most of the assumptions are regarding the parameters of the population.

Parameter Any measure computed for the entire population is called a parameter.

Ex Population means, Population variance etc.

Statistics Any measure computed for the Sample is called as a statistic.

Ex Sample means, Sample Variance.

These tests assume that if the data set satisfies a set of assumptions, then the result will be accurate.

For example t  test and ANOVA need to satisfy the assumptions that the data is Normal  the observations are independent etc.

These tests yield accurate results and are effective as long as the underlying assumptions are satisfied, but fail when the data is not normal, especially in cases where the data is ordinal, i.e in terms of ranking rather than scores.

Non Parametric Tests

When the data is ordinal (ranks) rather than scores, we have a range of tests which can be effectively used Known as Non Parametric tests or Distribution free tests.

These are so called because they do not depend on any on the parametric assumptions.

These are very widely used when the data is not quantitative.

Though there are numerous advantages of the Non Parametric tests, there are few disadvantages too.

The following are some of the Non Parametric Tests

Sign Test The sign test can be used with paired data to test the hypothesis that differences are equally likely to be positive or negative.

For Example the Coach of national Volley ball team wants his team to get trained in a new fitness program for two months, after the training program the coach wants to test whether the performance of the players increased with the new fitness program when compared with the fitness prior to the Program, He can use the Sign test.

Median Test The median test is used to test whether two samples are drawn from populations with the same median.

Run test Used to test whether the data is random.

If we take the number of Goals scored by a particular Foot Ball team in the last 10 matches then by using the nonparametric tests we can test whether the team is getting goals consistently or just randomly.

Rank test Used to test the data which contains Ranks.

Mann-Whitney U test Used to test whether the two independent samples are equal, it is also alternative to independent   t-test when the data is non parametric.

In Medical research if we want to test the efficiency of a new drug on Youngsters and Middle aged persons, we can test whether the drug works equally with the two age groups.

Also in Sports research we can test whether a particular training program yields equal results for players belonging to two different sub continents, as their fitness, food habits, climate etc..Varies largely.

Wilcoxon rank-sum test, one of the significant Non parametric test .

Wilcoxon matched pairs signed-rank test it Provides an alternative for students t  test for matched paired data when the data is not normal. We can test the significant difference between the pretest and post test scores for a group of athletics.

When the data is ordinal and you want to find out if there is any significant difference between the two scores of the same individual we can use Wilcoxon matched pairs signed ranks test.

Spearman rank correlation coefficient

The most efficient way to find out whether the variables or attributes are correlated when the data is qualitative. Also for finding relationships between groups we can use spearmans rank correlation.

Other important tests are Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance by ranks and  Friedman  Two way analysis of variance.

Chi square test is also a NP test for non parametric nominal data.(sports vary as per gender)
Chi square test is used to assess the significance of the discrepancy between results that were actually achieved and the results excepted.
David Hunter (1998) once wrote, football is there for life. It never goes stale. (p.37). In a sport as lasting as football, every member of the team must strive to perform at his best, all the time.

Like any other sport, every team member plays a crucial part in the game. The goalkeeper, for instance, must be well skilled and carefully trained for they are in the forefront of the offense and the final straw in the teams defense (Benjamin, 2007).

The following 8-week training scheme will help the goalie increase his efficacy in the teamwhich will definitely provide a better statistic result for himself and the team as well.

The Game Plan
According to Jeff Benjamin (2007), there is a proper way of teaching goalkeeping techniques footwork, catching, and proper positioning. Teaching them in that order is necessary to build proper foundation in the later and more advanced training.

In a lecture that he gave for the South Dakota Soccer Team, goalkeeper turned soccer coach Brian Pitts (2008) told his students that there are a couple of techniques that one must have and develop fully to be able to be an effective goalie. His points mostly revolved on the types of attacking distribution, attacking ideas, defense during the play, setting-up of plays, and other defensive considerations.

Aside from the physical training that the goalkeeper must endure, he must also undergo some psychological training to prepare him to be an effective decision maker, especially on that crucial split-second decision making (Benjamin, 2007).

The Rough Play
For the 8-week duration of this training, we will be distribute the four areasfitness, technical, tactical, and psychological in a two-week interval, respectively. As the weeks go by, lessons from the previous week shall be inculcated with the additional training program. Say for example, before beginning with the technical training on the start of the third week, fitness drills will be performed first. Then so on, and so forth until the day of the last week, which is the culmination game wherein everything that is taught must be applied in the game.

Fit for a goalie. Fitness training should be first in line because to be able to function properly as a goalkeeper, one must be physically fit to the demands of the role. A good set of warm-up and footwork exercises are crucial for the preparation of a goalkeeper.

Rhythm is one of the vital things that a goalkeeper must learn. We can inculcate this through doing continuous warm-up exercises that promote thatjogging with various movements. Do it in variation forward, lateral, backward and varying directions (Thomas, 2006, p.10). Of course, like in any other sport, stretching, flexibility, and mobility drills are fundamental as well. As for the goalkeeper, focus should be on shoulders, trunk, lower back, groins, hamstrings and calves (Thomas, 2006, p.10). Another thing that would promote good rhythm in a goalie is footwork.

As part of the warm-up exercise, we can use the drill made by Martin Thomas for Middlesex County. Image 1 on the left illustrates how basic footwork drills should be done. The focus of this exercise lies on the goalkeepers balance, coordination, rhythm, tempo, and shape (2006, p.10).

Act like one. To be a good and effective goalkeeper, one must be able to act like one. If the goalkeeper feels comfortable and has a good and consistent handling of the ball then it is not a problem (Thomas, 2006, p.2). For the purpose of this training, basic positioning and stance are to be taught.

We will be adapting a couple more of Middlesex Coaching and Managers Associations goalkeeping practices for this part. As per Coach Thomas, first to establish is the Set Position. Frequent difficulties encountered with this stance are as follows goalkeepers starting position vis--vis to the ball, movement towards the line of the ball, and the initial assessment on which technique is most effective for the situation (p.2). To prevent those difficulties from affecting the game, the main idea is that the goalkeeper must be able feel at ease. Distance of feet from each other should approximately be shoulder width apart for a balanced position, most of the weight should be on the front half of the feet and body weight geared slightly forward elbows must be narrow with and chest is facing the ball while hands must be ball width apart and should be located in front of the bodyline lastly, head should be kept still (p.2).

Another useful method according to Thomas (2006) is the Cup Technique. Basically, this move is concerned on the goalkeepers ability to secure the ball when he catches it, thus cupping with the use of his hands and body. Key pointers for this move are that the goal keeper must keep his chest square and the hands must be in front of the bodyline. Elbows should be tucked in with palms facing up. Dont forget to spread the fingers. The midriff should be the part of the body thats going to take the impact of the ball (p.4).

Image 2 portrays the Up-Down Agility and Diving drill which workouts the capability of the keeper to catch and run for the ball. This drill is one of the basic moves that one must be able to practice and execute well.

Antic for tactics. The goalkeeper is not just responsible for the defensive play of the team but also with the communication of every member in the field. Four important key words for this part are loud, clear, calm, and concise (Thomas, 2006, p.9).

Also, the goalie is the one responsible for the traffic of the team inside the playing field. Keepers also play the second coach out on the field (Benjamin, 2003). The two basic call outs for the goalie are away and keeper. The first one is a tell-sign that the goalkeeper is recovering to defend the goal and the command tells the defenders to go to their pushing out positions. The second call out, on the other hand, tells that his route should be quickest and shortest route to score. The key here is timing and proper angle (Thomas, 2006, p.9).

Think as you walk. As Jeff Benjamin (2003) wrote, the position of the goalkeeper is one of the most psychologically demanding on the fieldyou cant be stupid and play goal, but perhaps you must be a little crazy. Its not all about pressure on trying to do well in every game, but also having fun. One can truly enjoy his post, on whatever game he may be in, if he loves what he is doing. Finding the perfect position for you in a team is not that easy. You must be able to think like one to be able to act like one.

As for everything else, perfection comes after continuous repetition. Doing it right every time is what separates a good goalkeeper from a great one (Benjamin, 2003).

The Goalie Scores
After the eight-week goalkeeper training, the trainee is expected to increase his over-all performance statistics. Aside from that, the keeper should be able to exhibit a huge improvement on his personality in the field. Because he is now knowledgeable of his duties and roles in the court, he is now likely to be keener in every move that he commit.

In addition to the drills mentioned above, further exercises can be included in the regular routine so as to continuously develop the skills of the goalkeeper.

Handling corners and dealing with crosses are perhaps one of those techniques that the keeper must be keen on. Moving on an advanced level for this drill will ensure that the keeper will be able to practice his assessment decision, communication skills, timing of take off, and of course, catch-punch skills (Thomas, 2006, p.17). Increasing the repetitions for this exercise will also help the keeper improve.

Another consideration that one might want to take is the goalkeepers way of communicating with the rest of the team. As mentioned earlier, the keeper is not just the defender on that post, but he is also the second coach on the field. With that in mind, interactive drills involving the rest of the team must also be done.

This 6v6 plus goalkeeper drill aims to utilize the accuracy of the keepers throwing and kicking technique. His communication and transition skills are also to be measured here.

For the goalkeeper to be able to prove effective and reliable, he must be able to put not only in his actions, but in his mind as well that the game depends on how he performs and enjoy his role in the team.

Head Injuries in Sports

A head injury in sports is determined as a trauma which leads to brain injury, skull injury or scalp injury. The head injuries in sports are varied in nature which can result in serious brain injury due to even a minor bump on skull. It can be categorized as either open (penetrating) head injury or closed head injury.

A penetrating or an open head injury refers to the damage being caused due to the hitting of an object which enters the brain upon breaking the skull. It occurs due to high movement with speed, for instance, getting smashed on ground due to accident in sports car racing. The usual head injury other than sports can also result from getting smashed with the windshield of a car or getting head hurt from a gunshot. Whereas, a closed head injury refers to getting the head being hurt from a hard blow incase of colliding with an object or a wooden block such as in fighting, boxing, wrestling, but the skull remains safe and does not get break from the hitting of an object.

The most commonly recognized brain injuries include Concussion which shakes the brain and is known as the usual kind of traumatic brain injury Contusion that is bruise on brain Subdural hematoma and Subarachnoid hemorrhage (Cantu).

The head injuries are faced by millions of people every year while playing sports. A considerable protection is provided to the brain by the skills which results in most of the occurred injuries to be minor in nature. Athletes face thousands of head injuries while playing sports which become very serious and therefore, needs intensive treatment in hospitals. The life of athletes suffering head injuries could be saved by means of recognizing and learning a severe head injury and by providing necessary first aid treatment. It has also been observed that athletic patients often suffer injuries in other organic systems due to severe head injuries. For instance, a spinal injury is sometimes accompanied with a head injury (Dvorak et al.).

The most commonly recognized causes of head injures occurred in sports include falling, smashing and physical assaulting while fighting, boxing, wrestling, etc. The non-reversible brain damage or prolonged are caused as a result of some head injuries which occurs due to continuous bleeding in the brain and sometimes, also occurs due to direct damage on the brain. The various causes of severe head injuries include chronic headaches, paralysis, coma, seizures, language and speech problems and change in sensation  loss of sensation, vision, hearing, smell or taste (Lindsay et al.).

Signs and Symptoms
The signs and symptoms of head injuries in sports are developed gradually in quite a few hours or days and even occur immediately. Sometimes, no fractured is observed in the skull and the head looks fine but the brain can yet be bruised and get banged from inside due to swelling or bleeding inside the skull which can finally create complications for further treatment and could also be life threatening for an athlete. The actual occurrence of head injury should be found out while encountering an injured athlete for better treatment. If an injured athlete is unable to reply then the clues should be looked on and the witnesses should be questioned for exact happening of head injury. In general, the spinal cord is always assumed to be injured upon facing any severe head trauma (Riemann et al.).

Other than contusion or concussion, the much serious head injury is suggested through the signs and symptoms like unequal size or changes in number of pupils, drainage of fluid from ears, mouth or nose (may be bloody or clear), convulsions, impaired smell, vision, hearing or taste, distorted feature of face, bruising (of the face, fracture in the face, fracture in the skull, scalp wound or swelling at the injury site), difficulty in moving one or more limbs, serious headache, clumsiness or restlessness or lack of coordination, blurred vision or slurred speech, vomiting or stiff neck, drop in blood pressure or low breathing rate, drowsiness, confusion or loss of consciousness, unusual behavior, personality changes or irritability (specifically in children), improvement in symptoms and again sudden worsening of symptoms, change in consciousness (Riemann et al.).

Different Types of Head Injuries in Sports
It is very common for anyone to get a mild bump on head while playing sports. Sometimes, the athletes face such head injuries which lead from mild injury to a serious injury and too results as a life threatening condition. It is very significant to be aware of various types of sports head injuries in order to take immediate action and better cure well on time. The types of head injuries include
Concussion These head injuries are traumatic which results from severe blows as well as mild blows on the head. Including cumulative concussions, such repeated head injuries can lead to long-term and serious effects. Incase of ignoring the symptoms and signs of serious concussions, the risk of other suffering injuries increases like depression and neurological impairment that are perceived very serious head effecting injuries.

Epidural Hematoma This type of head injury causes bleeding between the brain and the skull. It generally results when head lacerates a blood vessel through the impact of occurred injury and finally creates a blood clot between (dura) brains protective covering and the skull. The brain suffers pressure due to increase in the size of a blood clot and an immediate treatment becomes necessary failing which it can lead to ultimate death. The epidural hematoma is very serious and devastating injury which is obvious from the death of an actress Natasha Richardson. It was realized as a mild head injury faced by Richardson due to a skiing accident but later on, resulted in a severe headache and too visualized the symptoms of an epidural hematoma and eventually became the cause of Richardsons demise. This tragic death was an evidence of serious effects of head injury caused in sports and was termed as talk and die syndrome that shows the fine condition of an injured victim and then causes life threatening effects and circumstances.

Skull Fracture The skull fracture results due to the serious impact of head injury that is directly being caused from hitting. The skull fracture caused to an athlete indicates the signs from major head trauma, continuous bleeding, clear fluid draining from nose or ears, bruising around both eyes or bruising behind the ears and thus, needs immediate treatment.

Black Eye A black eye is usually common which occurs from head injury or face injury. The effects of little face injury can lead to a huge, angry-looking shiner. The black eyes are largely and relatively minor bruises which affects in four to five days. These are a general sign and warning of further severe eye, face or head injury.

Whiplash These injuries are also termed as flexion extension neck injury or cervical hyperextension injury. It generally refers to injuries being caused to the necks soft tissues together with the muscles, tendons and ligaments. The stiffness and neck pain are the symptoms of whiplash.

Fractured Jaw An injury occurred on the head or face also results in a disclosed jaw or a broken jaw which is generally called fractured jaw. All the facial injuries as well as head injuries should be cured immediately by treating medical doctor or a first aid personnel which will help in preventing a severe fractured jaw because failing to treat an injury well on time, can lead to a long-term problems (Bailes).

The following are the treatment guidelines for curing the head injuries faced by athletes while playing sports

Stop Playing An athlete facing a head injury is required to stop playing the sports which is the first leading guide for treatment and then simply rest for a better provisional cure. An injured athlete should get off the filed in order to evaluate the circumstances for better care.

Get Urgent Medical Attention A phone call should be made immediately to 911 incase of suffering head injury by a person who loses consciousness, drowsiness, bleeding, shows signs of confusion, other unusual behavior, has nausea or head injury symptoms.

Perform Necessary First Aid While awaiting emergency help, the necessary first aid should be performed and immediate assistance should be sought by a person facing a severe head injury and showing any of the aforesaid signs.

Go to the ER, if unsure The head injury should be checked out at an emergency room or at a trauma center if the actual condition of head injury is not examined. The head injury is properly diagnosed through the usage of a head CT scan which examines the actual injury of brain as well as bleeding in the brain.

Watch for an Expected Change Any dramatic change or sudden change in behavior, symptoms or comprehension such as sudden increase in drowsiness, sudden dizziness, sudden headache or mild headache changing or getting suddenly tense, etc. needs urgent medical attention and treatment.
Watch for Delayed Symptoms Sometimes, the head injuries faced by athletes in sports, does not count immediately and start reacting after few hours or may be in some days following the head trauma. Incase of noticing and facing such delayed symptoms like confusion, vomiting, dizziness, headache or loss of coordination, the medical attention and treatment should be sought immediately for better and timely cure to avoid further harmful happening to the injured head.

Pay Close Attention A very keen attention should be given to the head injuries faced by younger athletes such as children or elderly grown because warfarin known as blood thinners, exceeds the pressure of bleeding incase of facing head injuries. The blood thinners can turn and develop a mild head injury into a severe head injury or can cause a major bleeding in head injury (Karen et al.).

The recovery of head injuries in sports could be better and possible very sooner upon paying serious attention towards the injured head and upon following the doctors instructions. There are various useful guidelines which help all athletes and their caregivers in quick recovery of head injures on timely manner.

These guidelines include firstly, the head wound should not be washed which is bleeding a lot or is quite deep secondly, the sticking object should not be removed out from a wound thirdly, the injured athlete should not be moved until absolutely necessary fourthly, the alcohol should not be drunk as well as no drugs should be taken unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor or medical practitioner fifthly, the injured athlete should not be shaken incase of an athlete been seemed dazed, sixthly, the sports should not be played and full rest should be taken by the injured athletes and lastly, the injured athlete should not be disturbed incase of suspecting severe head injury (Field et al.).

Additionally, the 911 should be called immediately or a diagnosing doctor should be contacted urgently if an injured athlete faces serious facial bleeding or severe head bleeding or any serious condition like unconsciousness, lethargic, drowsy or confusion is observed in the injured athlete or the breathing is stopped by the injured athlete or a repeated serious head injury is suspected by any means or the injured athlete develops any symptoms or signs of a severe injury occurred in head (Field et al.).

The following is a comprehensive guide for better prevention of head injures which are usually faced by numerous athletes while playing sports

Wearing Safety Equipments The required safety equipments (according to the nature of sports) should be worn by every athlete while playing sports for prevention of head injuries. For instance, the sports like cricket, sports car racing and sports motorcycle racing requires helmet to be worn for better safety of head.

Attentiveness Eyes should be opened and mind should be fully attentive while practicing sports motor bicycling at night and clothing should be worn as reflective and bright colored to be visible. It should also have proper flashers and headlamps.

Safety and Security Children as well as athletes should play in a safe and secure place either for practicing or for competition.

Appropriateness and Cautiousness The appropriate car boosters or seating should be used in driving and racing sports car and sports motorbike.

Obedience and Compliance The instructions of sporting coach should be followed while playing sports which saves from head injures and too diminished the causes of head injuries which are likely to be occurred. The rules of games should also be followed.

Avoiding Potential Harms  The prediction and likeliness of head injuries resulting from any sports activity should be attentively noticed and advice should be sought from trainers and instructors or from coaches during the course of playing sports.

Avoid Drinking The alcohol should not be drunk in any kind of sport. No participation should be taken with any athlete incase of observing him drunk.

Avoid Drug Addiction The drugs should not be taken while playing sports unless otherwise stated and advised by the doctors (Kelly et al.).

Comparison and Contrast of Articles
The following are the comparison and contrast of different scholarly articles which contains all the aforesaid information

The first article is titled Classification of Sport-Related Head Trauma A Spectrum of Mild to Severe Injury which is written by Bailes et al. It describes the various classifications of sports head injuries such as concussion, epidural hematoma, skull fracture, black eye, whiplash and fractured jaw. A comprehensive explanation is also determined with respective to causes, reasons, treatment and precautionary measures required to avoid such head injuries which are generally occurred while playing sports.

The second article is titled Head Injuries in Sport which is written by Robert Cantu. It contains the information related to commonly head injuries in sports such as concussion, leading causes such intracranial hemorrhage, resulting factors such as disability or death, serious conditions such as diffuse cerebral swelling and guides various useful techniques for playing sports.

The third article is titled Summary and Agreement Statement of the 1st International Symposium on Concussion in Sport, Vienna 2001 which is written by Dvorak et al. It contains the overall consideration related to sport head injuries as well as general information as to how do athletes get mild head injuries and serious head injuries. The athletic related guide with such sport head injuries are too mentioned thereon in the article.

The fourth article is titled Sport and Recreation-Related Head Injuries Treated in the Emergency Department which is written by Karen et al. It contains all the relevant information regarding the treatment of sports head injuries such as stop playing, get urgent medical assistance, perform necessary first aid, go to ER if unsure, watch for an expected change, watch for delayed symptoms and pay close attentions.

The fifth article is titled Serious Head Injury in Sport which is written by Lindsay et al. It discusses the causes of sports head injuries such as coma, paralysis, seizures, chronic headaches, etc. The major occurrences of head injuries are also explained such as non-reversible brain damage or prolonged which results due to bleeding or are caused due to bleeding.

The sixth article is titled Effects of Mild Head Injury on Postural Stability as Measured through Clinical Balance Testing which is written by Riemann et al. It describes the various signs and symptoms of sport head injuries such as convulsions, impaired smell  vision  hearing or taste, distorted feature of face, blurred vision or slurred speech, vomiting or stiff neck, drop in blood pressure, low breathing rate, etc.

The seventh article is titled Does Age Play a Role in Recovery from Sports-Related Concussion A Comparison of High School and Collegiate Athletes which is written by Field et al. It describes the various measures for prompt recovery of sport head injuries that helps an athlete to get back in good performance in order to practice and play sports again with care.

The eighth article is titled Guidelines for the Prevention of Catastrophic Outcome which is written by Kelly et al. It describes the useful techniques for the prevention of sport head injuries such as wearing safety equipments, keeping eyes open while playing, choosing save and secure location for playing sports, complying coachs instructions, not playing at night, etc.

The ninth article is titled The Second Impact in Catastrophic Contact-Sports Head Traums which is written by Saunders et al. It explains the overall occurrence of sport head injuries and too provides a comprehensive guide for avoiding such head injuries which are generally occurred while playing sports.

The tenth article is titled Return to Play Guidelines after a Head Injury which is written by Robert Cantu. It describes the general guidelines for injured athletes who join their sports team upon their return from suffering head injuries. It explains the way of caring and perceiving the affects and nature of injuries being occurred during sports practicing and playing.

My Defining Years

The last two years of my life had been momentous.  It involved experiences that I have never encountered, and more importantly, of challenges that I have never overcome before.  Perhaps it was because these involved concerns relating to emotional struggles, instead of the physical ones that I had been more accustomed to dealing with, that seemed to make them harder to conquer. Nevertheless, through these personal struggles, I became aware of the strengths that I possess that otherwise I would have never known to exist if fate had not destined for me to face life experiences that defined the very person that I now resemble.

The years 2008 and 2009 were crucial years of defining my personal growth.  Being an international student, I found it hard to adjust to the new culture where I endeavored to pursue my higher education.  Struggling alone in pursuing my dreams, lonely, and away from my family, I labored to perform to the best of my abilities despite of the handicap that I found myself faced with.  This was especially true in 2008, when I transferred from San Francisco to Los Angeles, where I attended Santa Monica College.

During my first semester in Santa Monica College in 2008, my difficulties were concerned with my adjustment rather than the academics.  I found it hard to adjust to the new environment and the highly-diversified student populace that comprised the academe.  However, perhaps due to my unbending resolve to perform well, I soon overcame this predicament and had adjusted well, both with the people and the academic methodologies that the college promotes.

In 2009, during the summer college vacation, I had the opportunity to visit my home land.  Here, I was able to enjoy the benefits of activities involving my church wherein we did farming area volunteer works.  It was also during this time that I learned the difference between knowledge and wisdom, particularly of their distinct characteristics that differentiated the two related virtues.  Its personal effect on my being awakened me to the reality that while knowledge is important to a person, wisdom holds much more significance in causing positive changes to a persons disposition and belief in God.  Through wisdom, a person is able to change himself for the better while at the same time being a positive influence to his fellow man.

Lastly, these last two years enabled me to make an in-depth study of Nike, Inc.  As mentioned in my previous paper, it is my lifes dream to be able to reach a top-level executive position in the companys hierarchy, particularly of being a CEO of the said company.  Likewise, by learning the sports strategies that Nike employs, I was able to make the first step towards my dream of someday being able to open a Nike town in Korea.  I am certain that by being under the tutelage of a premier academic institution that specializes in my aspired field of expertise, my chances of attaining this dream are greatly increased.                      

Excellent Sport System

Sport is an important part in American culture since it is all over the media (Althen, Doran and Szmania 191). Sociologists have made it clear that coverage of sports events are cultural artifacts. Other scholars have also regarded popular sports figures as artifacts because they mirror the very values of the nation take for instance Muhammad Ali (Duncan xiv) who is not only a gold medalist but a symbol of cultural ideals.  This paper will explore the sports system in America.

First of all, the United States (US) maintains the development of domestic players. The major leagues of baseball (MLB), soccer (MLS), football (NFL), and basketball (NBA) all draft players from universities, which recruit players from high school, so that most of professional players are American. Statistics shows that percentage of foreigners in MLS is only 40 and that number in MLB is merely 27.7. On the other hand, in the NBA and NFL, it is 13.6 and 1, respectively. This means US- born players dominate all these sports. Thus, these players compete regularly and are always ready for national teams while the coaches have a wide selection of experienced players. The problem in other countries is that there are too many foreign players leaving no room for native players the chance to compete therefore lacks the adequate exposure worthy of inclusion for the national team. For example, in the Premier League of England, only 34.1 of players starting last season are English. Therefore, some players in Englands national soccer team do not have much experience in matches even though they are the best in the nation.

Next, the organization of USA sport helps young players to balance their development, in both athleticism and education. Since the major leagues teams in America draft most players from universities and high schools, young players who want to have opportunity to become professionals need to graduate from high school and pursue a college degree. Therefore, they have to keep up their academic record in order to play for the team. In other countries, especially the developing countries, professional teams sign players from everywhere so that the young players only need to be good at sports. They can play for an amateur or semi- professional team to become pro and do not have to get any education. Consequently, some of them have bad behavior in or outside the games. For instance, 3 years ago, 7 players of U23 Vietnam soccer team were arrested because of betting and arranging the result of their matches. That is an unacceptable behavior of any sport player.

Last but not least, sports in America is one of the most lucrative systems worldwide and it benefits everyone. Firstly, the television networks, such as ESPN, CBS, or NBC, pay millions of dollars to have the rights to broadcast sport events to attract the viewers to their networks. As the result, they also attract other companies to put commercials on their networks, and gain profits back from there. Research shows the price for advertising during only the Super Bowl game is between 2 million and 3 million per 30 seconds. That is a huge and attractive amount of money that every television network wants. Secondly, other companies also benefits from putting their product commercial on those television networks. Many sports in USA have timeout periods during the game and those are time for commercials. In NBA and NFL, every game has 12 timeouts, 6 for each team. Therefore, many networks want to broadcast the sport games so that the viewers can have access to sport events easily. They can enjoy many games all year long on television without paying for the extra channel. Lastly, the sport teams can get a lot of money from the sponsors and the television networks, which want to advertise their product through the teams. That money helps the teams to broaden their popularity, pay players salaries, or improve the team. For example, in the 2009 season the New York Yankees players Derek Jeter and Alex Rodriguez earned 21.6 million and 33 million respectively. The median salary per player in MLB is 1 million, 1.2 million in NHL, 3 million in the NBA, and 0.9 million in the NFL. These figures vary significantly from nurses salary which is about 56,700 and those in the education sector which is 40,800 per annum (Santo and Mildner 33).

Revenue is also sourced from sports facilities along with concessions, parking, and advertising. The club seats were invented by Joe Robbie who placed 10,214 wide, contour-backed seats in the middle tier of the three-tiered facility which he called individual club seats. The seat costs ranges from 600 to 1,400 annually had to lease for a period of ten years. Since it was introduced in the mid 80s, club seating has become one of the biggest revenue generators in stadiums. In 1991 onwards, lease of club seats has risen by 50 giving sustainable source of revenue for four major league professional teams. The second are the luxury suites first made for Albert Spaldings new baseball stadium for the Chicago White Stockings which catered to the elite fans offering 18 private boxes complete with arm chairs and drapes. From then on, the race to install luxury suites in sports facilities has gained momentum. The third one is the personal seat licenses. In Tampa Bay, owners of the Buccaneers used them in financing the National Football League teams new stadium. At the University of Wisconsin, earnings will be utilized by Badgers officials to fund the athletics program of the school. In Green Bay, the management team of Packers will use the money for the necessary renovations of the Lambeau Field. Personal seat licenses are a means for generating ticket sales during the season, facility revenues, and attract teams who are considering relocation. The broader scope on the use of seat licenses has benefitted all those involved in the process of financing sports facilities. Facilities are upgraded and teams have tickets bases which would help them remain to be in the game for many years to come, on and off the field. The fans will benefit because they have rights to own their personal seat licenses which can become valuable items. Government entities also reap upgraded sports facilities at reduced costs to the tax-paying public which should be earmarked in essential services in the government (Rosner and Shropshire 117). To illustrate this clearly, the case of the Carolinas will be cited. Construction of the Ericsson Stadium costs 248 million which is contributed by taxpayers (55 million) while the rest from the personal seat licenses. The Panthers were expected to generate 200-300 million to replenish initial investment of the taxpaying public (Rosner and Shropshire 118).

Another addition which is the most lucrative form of generating revenues for stadiums is the selling of naming rights. Naming rights are nowadays sold not only to change the name of the whole stadium but naming entryways into the stadium, the field, breezeways among others. In 1987, the then Los Angeles Forum which was the home of the Lakers and Kings was named Great Western Forum the moment Great Western Bank became the first corporate body to purchase the rights to name any sports facility in America. This has become the precedent of numerous corporations practice of naming sports facilities under their name. Jerry Colangelo of the Arizona Diamondbacks and Arizona Cardinals stated, I think youre going to see more and more corporate involvement in terms of naming rights and major involvements with large companies. In order to deliver that product, the game itself, you need to build venues that have the opportunity to pay for it. Our group is indicative of this trend. There may also be cases when a sports facility chooses not the sell the name of the entire facility itself but only the name of the field, breezeways or portals of the stadium. Another such example would be in 1999 when the Cleveland Browns had its brand new stadium without a corporate sponsor of the naming rights by choice. The club instead sold only the rights to name the stadiums portals 2 million annually for a decade. One company who got interested was the National City Bank who has the following benefits  1. The right to be the sole bank provider of the Cleveland Brown for five years 2. The right to use the logo of the team in various promotional and advertising events 3. Has the right to sell their products- both existing and new 4. The companys name and logo will be found in the southeast section of the stadium, from turnstiles, entrances, directional signages, tickets, and seat cup holders 5. A permanent presence in the scoreboard at west end zone and 6. Other signages covering the stadium (Rosner and Shropshire 120).  

The success and prestige of American sports is attributed to its origin in the youth sports program. In the US, involvement in sports events is a rite of passage during childhood. Though there is disagreement among stakeholders on its rationale, the notion that it contributes to character-building has become widely accepted (Berryman qtd. in Seefeldt and Eewing 1). But how does sports participation really benefit ordinary Americans The next pages will deal on this matter.

This regular physical activity promoted by youth sports programs all over the country is a viable method for health promotion therefore meeting the health objectives of the national government. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last March 1997 described its health benefits in the Guidelines for Schools and Communities for Promoting Lifelong Physical Activity which included improvement of strength and endurance, healthy bones and muscles, weight control, anxiety and stress relief, self-esteem, improvement of blood pressure and cholesterol levels. This youth sports program will not be successfully implemented without the coordination of parents, school administration, faculty, coaches, and society in general. Also given emphasis is the role of physical education in promoting a healthy lifestyle among the youth. Therefore youth sports have a significant public health role because it provides physical activity. However, this program should be hand in hand with regular school physical education. Second benefit is social development since it has social and moral requirements for participation of sports consistent to becoming law abiders. Because of the high regard of sports in American culture, a great number of parents believe that exposing children to sports at an early age is advantageous. What motivates the youth to participate in sports is the desire to compare their capabilities with others this way they know more about themselves. This is the first aspect of psychological readiness (Passer, Roberts qtd. in Seefeldt and Eewing 9). The second is attained when a child reached a certain level of maturity that enables him or her to under the competition that he or she enters into (Passer qtd. in Seefeldt and Eewing 9). When a child is in a competition, he or she must understand its social nature most specifically the importance of cooperation, teamwork, strategy, and individual roles to achieve the goals of the group (Brustad qtd. in Seefeldt and Eewing 9). Coakley (qtd. in Seedfeldt and Eewing 9) said that among children excitement of sports pre empts developing a mature concept of the sports therefore this involvement to sports is premature. This leads to negative emotional effects which include frustration, discouragement, and low self-esteem when expectations about performance are too high than what the child is able (Brustad qtd. in Seefeldt and Eewing 10).

The sport system in America benefits everyone, from the nation to the players, businesses, viewers, and the youth. This kind of system should be extended throughout the world to not only make sports better but also draw more people to sports. For the developing countries, this system is even more helpful. It helps their sports to be more lucrative and more attractive so they can compete worldwide.

Describe the roleduties of the Commissioner. What do they include What do they not include

The Commissioner of a professional sports league plays a dual role as an employee and boss. The owners of a team have hiringfiring powers of the Commissioner, but the Commissioner can inflict disciplinary consequences on the owners. The Commissioner in professional sports has the power to approve player contracts, resolve disputes between players and teams or between teams in general, resolves disputes between players or teams and the league, and handle discipline matters that may involve players, teams, front-office personnel, owners, or anyone else involved. The Commissioner also has the power to make and implement rules, granted that it is in the best interest of the league. A lot of power may lie in the hands of the Commissioner, though not all final decisions are determined by this position. The owners ultimately have the final say in a matter, such as franchise relocation, salary bargains, facilities, etc.

Who are the current Commissioners of the Big Four Identify by sports organization and full name. Then, select one and provide a 2-3 sentence overview of the persons background.
Major League Baseball  Bud Selig
National Football League  Roger Goodell
National Basketball Association  David Stern
National Hockey League  Gary Bettman

Bud Selig grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as part of a Jewish family. He served in the
armed forces as a young man and later became part owner of the Milwaukee Brewers, a
commissioner for Major League Baseball in 1992 and officially earned the title of
Commissioner in 1998, planning to retire in 2012.

What is the role of a Players Association How does it function Where do they get their money from

A Players Association acts like a union. The role of a Players Association is to protect the rights of the players. Players are represented when it comes to salary, hours, working conditions, or disputesproblems that may arise within their respective team. Players Associations also handle insurance, retirement, and charitable causes. The Players Association works with the league to ensure that guidelines are being met for the players. They get their money from the union dues that the players pay to be a part of this association.

Discuss and describe the responsibilities of player representatives.

Player representatives are responsible for representing their teammates in matters relating to legal issues, salary issues, and the political side of the league. Representatives are negotiators in salary agreements, ensuring that players are being treated and paid fairly by the league. When there are disputes and disagreements in areas of concern, the representatives are the voices of reason, acting as the mediator between the players and the league.

Review MLBs Collective Bargaining Agreement. What type of information is contained in this document Identify three pieces of information that you found of interest.

In the MLB Collective Bargaining Agreement, there is information contained from various aspects such as contracts, negotiations, scheduling of the league, salaries, trade rules, discipline, benefits, anything that might concern the player and the league. One piece of information I found interesting in this document is the minimum salary agreement. Basically, players are paid a set rate for each day they provide service with their team. Another piece of information that interested me was the section about travel expenses. Professional baseball players get the royal treatmentfirst-class, meals, the works. Also, the spring training allowances section was interesting as well. Players get an allowance to provide for them during the spring training part of their season.

Review MLBs Joint Drug Agreement. Discuss and describe the type of information contained in this document.

The MLB Joint Drug Agreement states the rules pertaining to use of drugs and the illegal drugs for the league. There are a variety of drugs listed as illegal, as well as the consequences for a positive drug test. Drugs of abuse, steroids, and stimulants are included on this list. The agreement also discusses testing procedures and what negates a positive result. There are different treatments available and consequences resulting in salary retention for positive drug use.

Develop a pictorial graph of the governance structure for Major League Baseball.

I did not understand exactly what was needed here.

If you worked for Coca-Cola or Anheuser-Busch in their marketing department and were looking for an athlete to endorse your product, who would be at the top of your list and why Who would be at the bottom of your list and why.

Derek Jeter would be an athlete who would be at the top of my list to endorse my product. Jeter has a clean image and is not the center of scandals. He is an athlete who has never been accused of using steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs, and he is popular among the professional sports world. He also plays for a successful team and has a World Series ring. He is a role model for many young kids and people would want to buy a product endorsed by him for these reasons. Tiger Woods would be at the bottom of my list due to the recent scandal he has been involved in regarding his personal affairs and problems. His image and reputation have been drained and dragged through the mud. His name is no longer popular in the sports world (not for positive things, anyway). People may tend to shy away from the product he would be endorsing because they do not want to support him due to his image and public scandal.