Gender and Sport
Doping in sports
Anti-dopers who mainly promote aesthetic values are also anti-lesbianism in nature. They advocate for aesthetic performances of obligatory heterosexuality. The way masculine females who do not cheat are treated is the way female dopers are treated. Lesbians and female dopers are treated in an almost similar manner. Sexuality is interpreted in terms of appearance (Lock p, 114). Women who do not portray feminine figures are insulted and despised. All insults are directed to women who do not have an appropriate gender appearance. They are treated as lesbians simply due to lack of femininity. Masculine men and feminine females are taken to be desirable. People, who are masculine yet biologically female, as stated by Lock, are taken to be undesirable (p, 115). Gender is however a social construction related to ones sex, but not caused by it in any way. Sexuality is without doubt involved in the development as well as maintenance of gender. Women who portray conventional femininity are not taken as lesbians, but as heterosexuals. People only wonder whether a woman is lesbian when she fails to display feminine features (Lock p, 115).
Concerning doping and sports women are portrayed as restrained in to conventional femininity by the need to be heterosexually desirable so as to be equal competitors. The term lesbian finds its use while describing sportswomen who are masculine. Lock argues that women who do not meet the requirements of conventional femininity are given all sorts of disgusting names (p, 116). Many people hate doping because it leads to development of non-heterosexually feminine females. Anti-doping campaigns spread the message that dopers will end up having bodies of the opposite sex (Lock p, 117). Doping, according to anti-doping campaigners, disrupts the body in terms of roles and appearance. According to Lock, they state that if a person wants a healthy sex life, which is specifically described in heterosexual terms, heshe should do away with doping (p, 119). Protection of ones gender from the impact of drugs is considered to safeguard the logical association between the bodys anatomy and heterosexuality. Doping ban therefore play a major role of preventing transgression of socially developed gender boundaries. Part of social context through which male and female with sport like bodies are judged is characterized by heterosexuality as a persons genders expression. Lock states that women who are masculine, yet do not dope, are considered to have transgressed the boundaries of a real feminine performance (p, 119). Transgressing the norms of social femininity leads to social rejection. Women dopers are regarded as a threat to male superiority. They are insulted and regarded as being ugly or more man like. They are defined as lesbians, a term that questions the authenticity of a woman. Lesbians are highly disliked in sports. The significant crime, as stated by Lock, that female dopers perform is not doping, but failing to display heterosexual femininity (p, 123). In line with this, women who are not dopers, but display masculine features are insulted the same way female dopers who become masculine are.
Doping bans without doubt legitimates heterosexuality while demonizing lesbianism. Women who do not portray feminine figures are insulted, despised and taken to be lesbians. They are taken to be more man like and ugly. On the other hand, women who portray conventional femininity, and yet dope, are not taken as lesbians. However, women who are not dopers, but display masculine features are insulted the same way female dopers who become masculine and lesbians are. Doping ban play a major role of preventing transgression of socially developed gender boundaries. Transgressing heterosexual norms leads to social rejection. Protection of ones gender from the impact of drugs is considered to safeguard the logical association between the bodys anatomy and heterosexuality.
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