Correlation between Height Weight and Physical Strength
Correlation is a means of measuring the degree of relationship between two or more variables. The variables can be paired if one of the variables is coupled to the other. The variables are said to have a relationship if one value influence the other in a certain way. This relationship can either be strong, weak or not there. A linear relationship exists for variables that are strongly related when the variables are plotted against each other in a graph while those that are least related show graphs with points scattered inside the graphs with differing shapes. The variables of height and physical strength are not correlated because when measuring height and physical strength of a group of people, it is impossible to determine the correlation because one cannot pair a specific height to its corresponding weight. The same case applies to weight since it is not possible to assign a specific weight for a particular physical strength. (, n.d)
Malina and his colleagues (n.d.) reports that although their may be some low correlation between these variables in children, in adults there is no correlation. He also reports that the relationship between body size and physical strength is mostly influenced by age in adults eg.taller and heavier individuals appear to be stronger but this is not always the case. Using a method called partial correction, it is possible to determine the relationship between height, and physical strength when weight and age are controlled. The results of this test show that only age is correlated to performance even when the weight and height are controlled. The results of the test also prove the same for weight when the height and the age were controlled. They also points out that many studies point towards age influencing the physical strength of children but in adults it is not the case as there are a lot of differences in the rate of maturation biologically during adolescent stage impacts much on the physical strength (Malina, Claude Bar-or, 18)
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